Private – Grant application Grant Application First Name:* Last Name:* Organization:* Position at Organization:* Organization Mission Statement*Organization Website: Nonprofit EIN number or international equivalent charity status* Phone number* Email* Organization's physical address* Community Served:* Youth Students Educators Seniors Veterans Prison Healthcare Animals Other If "other" please specify: Grant ApplicationDescribe how your organization is in alignment with The Eckhart Tolle Foundation’s mission and vision to bring transformative teachings and resources to communities where access is needed.*Please tell us how this grant will support the awakening of human consciousness.*Amount Requested in USD*What is your organization's annual operating budget in USD?*If you're requesting this grant for a specific project, what is the project budget in USD?How many individuals does your organization serve?* If this grant is for a specific project, how many individuals will this grant serve?*Please share any creative ideas you may have for collaborating or partnering with The Eckhart Tolle Foundation.*Should you receive funding, how would you share about it with your community?*Are you familiar with other organizations doing great work that we should know about? If so, please provide contact information here.* If you have any additional questions or comments, please share them with us:CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ